Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has slammed PM Narendra Modi for banning the use of Rs 500 and Rs 1000s notes overnight. Arvind Kejriwal alleged PM Modi for playing this move at the time of UP elections to benefit his own party. He says that BJP and its allies were informed beforehand about the demonetisation of Rs 500-1000 notes. He says that BJP informed its party members and associates “a week before” the move was effected, to dispose all the high currency notes.
Kejriwal also questioned the logic behind introducing Rs 2000 notes. You are demonetizing Rs 500-100 notes saying it will contain corruption, and yet you’re introducing the high currency Rs 2000 notes. It will further increase corruption instead of stopping it. This step has created a chaos among the people, causing a great deal of inconvenience.
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in a video message, questioned the intentions of the government in stopping the corruption and dealing with black money.
Kejriwal even challenged Modi to make public the names of the 648 Indians with Swiss bank accounts. In 2012, 648 Swiss bank account holders had been named, Congress didn’t take any action against them and neither did the BJP government.
He believes that the problem of black money would get over if the Prime Minister orders the arrest of these 648 people instead of playing moves that will benefit his own party.
Arvind Kejriwal said he had discussions with the experts, none of them was able to explain how introducing the Rs. 2000 notes would put an end to the black money.
Introducing Rs 2000 notes would only make the corruption easy, it would benefit the bribe givers and takers. Earlier those who carried 100 notes of Rs. 1,000 notes will now carry only 50 notes of 2,000 value.