Hansal Mehta’s “The Buckingham Murders” featuring Kareena Kapoor Khan premiered in September this year, coinciding with the actress celebrating 25 years in the Indian film industry. Over the course of her illustrious career, Kareena Kapoor Khan has portrayed a wide range of characters but her portrayal of Jasmeet Bhamra in “The Buckingham Murders” has been hailed as her “career-best performance” by both audiences and critics. Director Hansal Mehta believes this is just the beginning of even greater roles for her.
In an interview, Hansal Mehta shared his thoughts on Kareena’s talent, stating that he has always felt that the actress hasn’t been utilized properly. He added that Kareena is a huge star but as far as an actor is concerned there is a lot of potential which is remaining to be tapped. Hansal Mehta is of the opinion that Kareena has a deep reservoir of talent that hasn’t been seen by the world and “The Buckingham Murders” is certainly the start of something special. Moreover, Hansal Mehta also agrees with many fans who feel that this is Kareena’s career-best performance.
Hansal Mehta said that he heard the story in 2018 when he was shooting Rajkummar Rao starrer “Chhalaang” as the idea was pitched by Aseem Arrora, the co-writer of “Chhalaang”. He added that later on, Aseem pitched the idea to producer Ekta Kapoor who signed Hansal Mehta in 2019. Hansal Mehta further said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Ekta arranged a Zoom call between him and Kareena, the actress had already read the script and she wanted to do the movie.
Before the film’s release, the trailer drew comparisons to Kate Winslet’s Mare of Easttown, which also centers on a murder investigation involving a child. However, Hansal Mehta was quick to dismiss these comparisons, encouraging audiences to watch the film before forming any judgments.
Have you watched “The Buckingham Murders”? How did you find it?