Today, Kapil Sharma has lost control. After Salman Khan’s verdict, he started tweeting out abuses to media houses that spread fake news, mainly tagging Spotboye.
The tweets were too abusive in nature and we were shocked to see them. Even Twitter was wondering as to what has happened to him.
However, there was one tweet which angered everyone. As he posted abusive tweets, there was one person who trolled him and said that this is all because of money and alcohol.
Here’s what he had tweeted;
As soon as Kapil saw this, he told him “Chal be Mada*ch*d”
This made the user very angry and he openly challenged him on Twitter and asked him for a public apology.
The user said that he needs public apology;
After all this, Kapil tweeted that his account was hacked.
Once again, the person challenged him and said that he will see him in court. He also said that the “Hacking” will be investigated.
Let us see what happens.
UPDATE: Time of tweets was wrongly shown as American Time. Please ignore the timings