The American television sitcom, Friends is one of the most loved shows of the television history, the show was first aired in 1994 and it had 10 seasons. It was based on the story of 6 friends who lived in New York and the characters of six friends were played by Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Matt LeBlanc, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer.
The fans and the team of Friends were left in a state of shock after Matthew Perry who played the character Chandler Bing took his last breath on 28 October. After that, the other five actors asked everyone to give them some privacy as they had to deal with the loss of their friend.
Recently, Jennifer Aniston appeared in an interview and she talked about the last conversation that she had with her friend, Matthew Perry. Jennifer Aniston claimed that her co-star Matthew Perry was in a good place before his d*mise as he was happy and healthy. She further said that he got rid of his habit of smoking and he wanted to get back in shape.
Jennifer also talked about how funny Matthew was and she revealed that she texted him on the morning of his sudden d*mise. She said that Matthew was neither struggling nor he was in pain, in fact he was quite happy. The actress stated that though Matthew had some challenges to face, he was pretty determined to get back to the healthy ways and they all are missing him very dearly. Jennifer also stated that Matthew used to make them laugh out hard.
Earlier, Jennifer Aniston also made a post on social media in which she stated that Matthew was a chosen family for her and they were talking to each other for the last couple of months and sometimes she also heard him talking in Chandler Bing’s style.
Matthew Perry was 54 years old when he d*ed, he was found unresponsive in the bath tub on 28 October 2023 after which he was declared de*d.
Matthew Perry will always be missed by his fans.