Religion has always been a topic of debate for those who pretend to understand it and those who don’t want to understand it at all. While the rare ones who understand, don’t talk about it at all and put stress on their own spirituality.

Talking about the people who always remain in this debate, almost everyone is misled. Either they search all the happiness in this world, or they go away from everything to find out the peace. True religion has not recommended any of the way. The real way is to live in this world and do everything in the way recommended by the God. Now, without going deep into lecture and all, let’s arrive at the point.
A Jain couple from a small town in Madhya Pradesh has decided to attain Monkhood and leave their property worth and 100 crores and 3-year-old daughter behind. The two now aspire to become ‘Shwetambar’ (white clad) Jains.
While it’s their own personal matter and we don’t have any right to discuss it, one thing that really hurts is the thought about that little innocent soul who needs the parents more than anything at this stage of her life. Still, we can’t say much because it’s the decision of her parents and if they have decided to leave her, they must’ve planned something about her. What we’ve learnt about their plans so far is the little girl will be embraced by her grandparents who are supporting their decision fully.
Sumit Rathore (35) along with his wife Anamika (34) are both well educated and hail from a wealthy family. Both of them don’t feel pleasure in the worldly material and relationships now and thus have decided to leave the comforts of their cushy jobs to head towards the world of spirituality.
Sumit comes from a business family while his wife is a trained engineer and worked at a mining company called Hindustan Zinc Limited before getting married.

As per India Times, a week from now, the two will undergo the process of vow at the Jain monasticism in Surat. Both of them are now away from the family and have taken the vow of silence to cut down on affection.
Meanwhile, a person named Nilesh Jain who belongs to the same faith has written an open letter to the couple. In the open letter, he has expressed his sadness regarding the decision of the couple. Read it below-
Hi People,
I am generally not a big fan of social media (ranting on social media) but this is something that should come out in public. It took me around 2-3 days to muster courage to write and share this, since I am talking against an event happening in my family, its against Jainism, its against a Diksha.
Recently all Jain groups/Communities are flooded with images/videos/blessings about this Dikhsha.
Diksha is simply renouncing the worldly pleasures and live a life of a sadhu/sadhvi. You break all connections with your family, friends and the near and dear ones. I am writing this for a 3 year old kid who is being disowned by her parents. This is simply cruel.
I know the entire family will take very very good care of her.But fellas, can anyone replace Parents. I dont think so.
Just for your self interest, the so called Purification of Soul and Rebirth, how can someone be allowed to destroy an innocent soul.
Before a Dikhsha is granted by the Saint/Guru of that sect, Permission from the family is required. Did anyone take permission of the 3 year old innocent? She doesnt even know whats coming up in her life in a matter of 10-15 days.
I opposed in family group and was confronted with statements like
– Very few are blessed to attain/achieve the state of dikhsha. But why spell the curse on a innocent?
– Parents have secured the future of the child.? Which child is bothered about his/her future at the age of 3. What they need is just their parents. They dont need money, they need time.
– Children still live if the parents die. I dont feel like answering this statement
I am not against Diksha or Jainism. But the timing could have been corrected. Let her attain adulthood and decide her future. Renouncing worldly pleasures can be done in so many different ways. Diksha is not the only way.
Will the child follow Jainism in future? A religion that stole her parents?
Lot of like minded and matured Jains, have come forward shared their angst against this. Thank you everyone for this. This simply shows that there are people who are educated and are not just blind followers. I am not an expert, I also think this is illegal, like disowning child after giving birth. Any advocates around can confirm this?
I know I am going to face a huge backlash from the Gurus, so called heads of communities, my family, but what is happening is wrong. I know it for sure. Maybe my cousings, might stop talking to me.
But I will stand against this, come whatmay and I am also sure that are many who feel the same. If you could share this. If you could tag some Law experts, Journalists, Reporters,RJs maybe it will find a way to the right authorities.
I heard lot of opposition from the Mewar Region in Rajasthan, many are against this but not sure why this diksha is not stopped.
There were similar instances in past where in the name of religion Childhood was exploited.
– I know case where a kid died due to prolonged fasting, and the parents/communities were OK with this.
– I know a case where a Kid did Loch (pulling your hairs without any scissors), he happens to be my cousin. After that I just quit that family group.
– Just for the sake of competition or honour, childrens are encouraged to fast for 8 days, 9 days, sometimes even 30 days.
(Jain Fasts does not allow any food grains or juices. Just warm water)
and there are many more such instances. People believe these are miracles. To hell with such Miracles.
I think there has to be an end to such practices.
Follow/Practise your religion but not blindly
All these days, I considered myself an Alternate Jain, but today I am ashmaed to call myself a Jain.
I hope this reaches the right people and such exploitation stops in future.. This post needs more Shares then Like.
What do you think about it?