The announcement regarding the biopic on the former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh was made in August this year. While the project has been confirmed officially, the filmmakers have yet to reveal the name of the actor who will play the legendary cricketer. Since the announcement, fans have been eagerly speculating about the casting and Bollywood actor Siddhant Chaturvedi’s recent Instagram story has fueled further excitement.
On Monday, Siddhant hosted an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Instagram, answering questions from fans. When asked about his dream role and the challenge he is eager to take on, Siddhant shared a picture of Yuvraj Singh in his iconic blue jersey, accompanied by a lion emoji and the song “Jungli Sher” by Divine. This has sparked curiosity, with many wondering if he is hinting at playing Yuvraj in the biopic.
Here is the Instagram story:
Interestingly, Yuvraj Singh had previously expressed his desire to see Siddhant portray him on the big screen. In 2020, when asked which actor he would want in his biopic, Yuvraj joked about playing himself before suggesting Siddhant as an ideal choice. He told a leading publication that it is the job of the director but if it is a Bollywood film, Siddhant Chaturvedi will a great choice and he will love to see Siddhant play his role in the movie.
The biopic is being produced by T-Series head Bhushan Kumar and Ravi Bhagchandka. It is expected to depict some of the most iconic moments of Yuvraj’s career, including his six sixes in the 2007 T20 World Cup and his inspiring battles off the field. The official announcement of the film was shared on T-Series Films’ social media handles in August, adding to the anticipation among fans.
Is Siddhant the right choice for the role of Yuvraj Singh in his biopic or do you feel that any other actor would be better? Let us know your opinion.