When movies like Fire released there was a lot of censor board issues involved in it. Even a movie like Prem Ratan Dhan Payo had to cut a few scenes, which did not went well with the Censor board. But nowadays, more than the silver screen, people have easy access to small screen.
But seems like the so-called “Idiot Box” is making waves, with TV series showing lip-lock scenes with much easiness and bed-room and consummating scene being easily and smoothly telecast without any hindrance from the Censor or objection from any party. When we say that children today and way beyond the previous generation, we should actually attribute and keep in mind all these factors as well.
But on the flip side, we can actually be proud that finally the Indian audience and also the TV Producers have come out of age and are readily accepting such moves. May be this is called, Development and Growing Mature & Wise. Such scenes which were treated as taboos are now perfectly Okay, which is good because today we need to understand and make sense, after all forbidden roads are the most visited.
So, when recently MTV showcased the Lesbian kiss, no one wagged about it and believe us we felt good because, at least in such small steps we are breaking the stereotypes.
The series that stars Gautam Gulati called The Big F, showed an episode of “I kissed a Girl” which portrayed the love of lesbians and it was indeed a break from the monotonous serials and like a breath of fresh air.
Isn’t this really a great move towards accepting the LGBT people or do you think such portrayal on TV can have adverse effect on society?
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