How will you feel when you invite someone to your house and he starts criticising you, left and right. You will feel the same as the students of IIT-Bombay felt when they invited Ex-Judge of Supreme Court, Markandey Katju. The Ex-judge has always been known for speaking from heart without considering the consequences and he did the same in IIT-Bombay when he started criticising the students and went to the extent of saying that they don’t have genuine love for the country, he shared this incident on his Facebook wall.
Markandey Katju said to students, “Most of you IIT students have no genuine love for the country. You are utterly selfish, with no patriotism or idealism. All you want is to migrate to America ( and most of you manage to do that ), usually by first going for an M.Tech. degree there ( for which you get scholarship ), and then settling down there and enjoying a comfortable life– and to hell with India.”
He also said that they are getting benefit of subsidy offered by government and if they do the same course in West, they will need to pay more for it. He alleged that the countries of the West are taking away the best brains of the country.
The Ex-Judge also told them that after they finish their education they will turn in the worst possible thing which is – NRI, as he said, “And after settling down in America, you will become NRIs— supercilious know-alls, who will give lectures to Indians about what is good for them and what is not.”
Here is Markandey Katju’s Facebook post:
An alumnus of an IIT tried to explain to the former judge why many of them left the country
An attempt was made by an IIT alumnus Sayantan Chatterjee, to make the ex-judge understand why he and others have left the country, he wrote this in the comments, “As an IITian, I’d say not all of us are like this. We have had so many IAS officers, social workers and people who have began startups here in India. And the truth is, I’d love to stay back in India for my PhD. But the facilities are a joke, compared to the West. Ask the government to invest in R&D, and then you can hope that the IITians, who are the best of the best, would stay back for the best research experience.”
And the reply that Sayantan got was, “Sayantan Chatterjee : Those who join IAS also go there for a comfortable life.”