Humanity shamed! In yet another heart wrenching incident of its kind, a 53-year-old beggar from Hyderabad had to carry his wife’s corpse in a pushcart for over 60 kilometers. The beggar couldn’t arrange money for an ambulance, so to shift his wife’s body to his native place, the beggar carried the body on a cart. He pushed the cart for 60 kilometers and reached Vikarabad town instead of reaching his native place in Medak district.
The beggar Ramulu and his wife Kavitha, both leprosy patients made a living by begging at Langer Houz, Golconda. His wife Kavitha died of leprosy on Friday near Lingampally railway station.
Ramulu is a native of a village in Sangareddy’s Manoor mandal. He came to Hyderabad six years ago along with his wife. He wanted to perform the last rites of his wife at their native place. Vikarabad Circle Inspector Ravi spoke to TNM on the incident, he said,
After his wife’s death, he decided to conduct her last rites in his native village and asked some local private carriers for shifting her body, who asked him Rs 5,000.
As he did not have any money with him to hire any vehicle, Ramulu put Kavitha’s body on a pushcart and walked all along till Vikarabad and reached here last afternoon.
Ramulu wanted to push the cart to his village in Sangareddy district, but he lost his way and ended up in Vikarabad town, instead of reaching his native place in Medak district.
On Saturday, Ramulu reached Vikarabad town, he was exhausted of pushing the cart. He collapsed and started crying alongside his wife’s body. The locals spotted him and informed the police. The locals also collected and arranged money for Ramulu. When police reached the place, they made an arrangement to shift Kavitha’s body to the Medak district.
Ramulu spoke to the media and the people gathered around him, he told them how he tried to hire an ambulance, but couldn’t. He even inquired the autos for the transport, but they were charging him Rs 5,000.
People could have easily helped him; but no, they WON’t! I think humanity is dead and now, everything revolves around money. What do you have to say about this? Do share your views in our comments section below.