May be such harsh and ruthless reply wouldn’t have come from the younger generation. If and Only If, the action taken against the rapist in India was faster. Indian Youth are agitated against the delay in judgment and punishment. As per the National Crime Records, “A woman is raped in India every 15 minutes”. That means there are dozens, lakhs of rape cases still pending at the door of justice court.
The rapist should be executed in Public, Chemical Castration and many more strict punishment. The message is very loud and clear, WE want fast and timely judgment. It seems that nothing is working out and everything has become static. Truly, Justice Delayed is equal to Justice Denied. Is somebody listening? What should be the ultimatum? Otherwise, the aggression will keep on increasing and another fight for freedom from such a social evil is on the verge of beginning.
The video by PGtv made an effort to ask what should be the ideal punishment for rapists. And, here is the answer.
What according to you is the main reason behind rape? What is the ideal punishment for rape?