The Desi Girl of Bollywood is busy in being a Videsi Girl as she is busy shooting for the second season of her American TV series ‘Quantico’ in Montreal. Priyanka is spending most of her time away from her hometown Mumbai and the star doesn’t anyway want a compromise with her luxury, so, she chose to rent out a mansion in Montreal and spends most of her weekends there. Priyanka Chopra’s Montreal Mansion consists of an indoor swimming pool and Priyanka’s nail assistant shared a pic of her daughter swimming in. The actress, singer and the model also featured in Canada’s The Coveteur magazine where she did a photoshoot inside her home. We got those pics too.
Her stay isn’t anyway less than a mansion. These pics of Priyanka Chopra’s Montreal Mansion say it all.
Image Source: Priyanka Chopra’s Instagram Handle, Meghan Markle’s Instagram Handle, The Coveteur.
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