Today morning, the Indian social media was abuzz with reports of the Indian cricket captain Rohit Sharma and his wife Ritika Sajdeh welcoming their second child, a baby boy. The news was not confirmed by the couple by that time but it was reported by several media outlets as well.
While it was reported earlier that Rohit Sharma will miss the Perth test because his wife was pregnant, many fans thought that after the birth of the baby boy, the Indian skipper will now join the team and he will be playing all the five test matches of the upcoming Border-Gavaskar Trophy.
The online users got a little excited and they started expressing themselves on X, while some felt that now he will go to Australia and play the Perth test, there were few who are quite sure that he is not going to play the first test, here are some selected reactions:
However, as per the latest reports, it appears certain that Rohit will miss the first test of the series against Australia, which begins in Perth.
Though initial reports suggested that Rohit might be available for the series opener, hopes were dashed when he confirmed his decision to remain with his family for this special occasion.
Here’s a beautiful post shared by Rohit Sharma on Instagram:
In the absence of Rohit Sharma, vice-captain Jasprit Bumrah will be leading the team in this very important series which will decide whether the Indian team will play in the finals of the World Test Championship or not?