Kapil Sharma, the king of comedy. Once a struggling artist, and now the most popular and entertaining TV face. Kapil left Colors and his popular show Comedy Nights With Kapil after a successful run of three years. However he made his television return with ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ on Sony TV. The show instantly became popular and is dominating the TRP ratings in the non-fiction category.
The critics were unhappy with the show at first, they believed that whole look and feel of the new set is interesting, but the jokes are old. Critics dismissed the show for its repeated jokes and characters. But Kapil and the creative team accepted the negativity as an avenue for change, they added some new characters in the show, also experimented with the guests and the skits.
The Kapil Sharma show has a celebrity guest every week. Apart from inviting just the popular actors and celebrities, the show even had musicians, cricketers, sports persons appearing as the special guests.
Kapil Sharma debuted the character of his ‘Chacha Ji Rajesh Arora’ on his show on 28th August 2016. Rajesh Arora is a flirty cheapster and childhood friend of Dr. Mashoor Gulati. Rajesh Arora came to surprise his friend and roast everyone around. The character is often seeing quoting the signature phrase – “Bilkul Pasand Nahi Aaya Mujhe”. The character mocks and makes fun of everyone around.
This character is entertaining and unique. The character is inspired from one of the most famous gag of RJ Naved, who is known for his ‘Murga Pranks’ on Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM. Kapil even mentioned it on the twitter that the character is inspired from RJ Naved. Even the movie Dishoom copied it too.