High school is a very essential period of time for every student. During this time, you might do loads of stupid things and this might create a negative image of yourself. Avoid posting these 10 things if you are a high school student:
1.Party pictures
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It is not wrong to post pictures of you as well as your friends partying, but don’t post pics of any inappropriate activities. Content must be posted at your own risk.
2.R-Rated Memes
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Everyone has that opinion that a high schooler doesn’t access only clean and age-appropriate content. Now, maintain this and stop posting weird and gross stuff on the Facebook Feed.
3.Stupid and Insensitive Jokes
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Sometimes you might feel that a joke is hilarious but not everyone feels it to be same. Facebook is a place for making social connections and not for posting stupid jokes.
4.Insults for Teachers
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Students often get in trouble when they post insulting stuff about teachers online. When you post such stuff, it might lead only to punishments.
5.Relationship Drama
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Young love is a common thing. Nothing is very important and urgent. Even if the relationship is complicated, DON’T POST IT ON FACEBOOK. Keep the details to yourself and don’t make it public.
6.Things that you don’t want parents to see
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This is a general rule. Although you feel that the posts are protected, you never know when your parents access it. When they see such stuff, they are surely going to put you in trouble.
7.Bullying classmates
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Ganging up with people online is very easy and insulting them is all the more easier. However, you would get in serious trouble when you bully someone online.
8.Links to inappropriate web contents
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You might feel that a particular link is hilarious but you might never know how others take that link as.
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Don’t ever try spreading gossip online. If you are posting this, you are inviting lot of social trouble for yourself.