Sarvjeet Singh Bedi doesn’t need any introduction, as he is quite a popular name among netizens and the whole credit goes to Jasleen Kaur, who defamed him by alleging that the man passed objectionable comments on her when she walked down Tilak Nagar Street on August 23, 2015. The girl got immense support of people, media and news channels who believed her to be innocent, while Sarvjeet was made to stand in the category of culprits and it’s really disgusting that this whole lot happened without even knowing and verifying the complete truth about the case.
Eve teasing is definitely something which should be taken seriously but at the same time, proper measures must be employed to find out the guilty. This did not happen in the case of Sarvjeet and as a result, it was only he who had to bear the mental agony while Jasleen is absolutely free. Ever since the incident took place and the girl filed a case against him, the guy is constantly attempting to prove himself innocent and has to appear in the court over and over again. However, despite this all, nothing satisfactory seems to have been done with regard to it which has left the man hopeless and he’s gradually losing faith in the Indian judiciary system.
Firstly, he waited for six long months and got the first hearing date which was March 4, 2016 in Mahila Court Tis Hazari. Nevertheless, no verdict was made and Sarvjeet got another date, i.e., June 7, 2016. Since the judge was on leave, he was given one more date, i.e., November 21, 2016 and in that hearing too, no conclusion could be made so he got one more date, which was February 13, 2017.
And even today, the same is repeated. Yes, tareekh pe tareekh, tareekh pe tareekh!
The next date of hearing is March 4, 2017. So from August 23, 2015 to March 4, 2017, there have been almost 19 months and considering the record so far, we really doubt that the man will get justice the next month.
At this point, we get to remember Akshay Kumar’s dialogue of his recent release “Jolly LLB 2”. In the second trailer of the movie, Akshay says that India has a population of 125 crore and it’s pretty miserable that the number of judges here is only 21,000 while more than 3.5 crore cases are pending in our courts and still people move to courts over small fights. What an irony!
To your utter surprise, police has not taken the statements of eyewitnesses in writing yet and the one who filed the case, i.e., Jasleen is not in India while the one who might be innocent and just a victim on whom fake case has been lodged is being tortured mentally and physically.
This is really disgusting and Sarvjeet is also losing his patience, obviously. Don’t you think he deserves justice as soon as possible, as ‘justice delayed is justice denied’? Let us know your thoughts with regard to the case in the comments section below.