India’s favorite summer energy drink seems to have disappoint people, with dead insects allegedly found inside the packet leading to health hazard among the family that consumed the drink.
As per reports, Bablu who lives in Bulandshahir, Uttar Pradesh bought a packet of Glucon-D from a general store nearby his house. After drinking the energy drink, the family fell sick and started vomiting continuously. On later examination, it was found that the powdered drink has dead insects inside it which led to such a situation to arise.
The victim, Bablu and his family filed a case with the drug safety officer of the area, regarding the food adulteration issue. After the officer in charge, Shivadas got to know about the incident, 4 packets of Glucon-D was ordered from the same shop and sent for examination in a laboratory in Lucknow. The future course of action will be decided upon, after the result of the analysis comes out.
The favorite drink to treat yourself in summer is going in the wrong direction. Hope the management is listening.