When we talk about love relationships and friendships, most amazing are the ones that have a pinch of both. We come across different types of lovers every day, some are the typical lovey-dovey ones while some have a tangy flavor in their relationship. Among all such couples, the most entertaining and long lasting are those who are friends before lovers. Isn’t that the ideal relationship all of us want?
It is very important to have a friend in your lover more than anything else as it eliminates all the chances of misunderstandings and keeps the relationship growing. Love and affection begin with friendship and it’s surely the best thing to have a partner who not only loves you but makes you laugh, cry, angry and shy.
None of us will ever want to see our partners hurt or leave the world as a result of any tragedy. It’s a nightmare to think of something like that happening to our loved ones, right? But here’s an interesting prank video brought to you by One In All, where a mischievous boyfriend plays this deadly prank on his loving girlfriend. You’ll enjoy seeing how the girl reacted and will want to try the same on your partner. Check out this horrifying prank video:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube.
This was killer, don’t you agree?
Tell us how did you like the dead boyfriend prank in the comments section below.