It was 30 years back when Salman Khan started his career with the movie Biwi Ho Toh Aisi, where Rekha was playing the role of his sister-in-law. And now, after three decades, they will be again sharing the screen space. However, this time reportedly se will playing the role of his mother in the next flick “Sultan”.
If the sources are to be believed, Rekha was offered the role by the film makers and she readily accepted to be his mother. Salman Khan starrer “Sultan” is set to release on Eid in the next year, i.e., 2016. It is directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and Yash Raj production. In the movie, Salman Khan will be paying the role of a Haryanvi Wrestler, “Sultan Ali Khan”. According to official website of the movie, Deepika Padukone will be playing the leading lady opposite Salman.
In case you have missed, here is the official teaser of the movie:
Source: India Today