Annabelle: Creation has created left people in shock and has given them a spine chilling experience. Many of them had accepted the challenge of watching this deadly; they have even shared their frightful experiences on Twitter.
Some people found it extremely funny and were busy cracking jokes on Twitter, while some of them got sleepless nights after watching it.

Annabelle: Creation gave a series of mini heart-attacks to people who couldn’t survive such scary scenes. However, a 20 year old girl had the worst experience after watching this scary movie.
A video has gone viral on the internet, in which it is shown that the girl is completely out of her senses after coming out from the theater and is acting in the weirdest manner.
In the video, she is seen coughing, screaming and punching herself on the ground. The woman sat flat on the ground and started screaming; her friend tried to calm her down but of no use. It is said that this girl was immediately rushed to the hospital after that.
Here’s the video clip!
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
The authenticity of the clip hasn’t been determined yet. This could be a publicity gimmick too, don’t you think so? Nothing can be said as of now and we shall keep you updated on this.