This Wednesday all the remaining contestants including Captain Ali were nominated to get evicted. Out of 7 contestants – Gautam, Karishma, Puneet, Sonali, Dimpy, Preetam & Ali, 2 will get eliminated today. Everyone would have thought that Dimpy would go to next leg of Bigg Boss season because of Rahul Mahajan entering the house on 4th Jan but we have heard from our trusted sources that Dimpy Sonali & Puneet will get eliminated tonight.
We are still awaiting for the final confirmation about eviction but if news is true then remaining 5 Champions – Gautam, Karishma, Sonali, Preetam & Ali will compete against 5 Challengers – Rahul Mahajan, Sambhavna Seth, Mahek Chahal, Ajaz Khan & Sana Khan starting 4th Jan. Farah Khan will host the show instead of Salman Khan.
Format of the game after 4th Jan is still not clear. There could be 1 winner from 10 contestants or 1 winner from Challenger as well a 1 winner from Champions. If there will be only 1 winner then it will be very unfair to the Champions as they are in the Bigg Boss house from past 100 days.