Sakshi Dhoni, wife of legendary cricketer MS Dhoni, is quite active on social media and even though she doesn’t interact much with fans, she keeps on sharing updates and lovely moments of her and Mahi’s life on Instagram regularly.
In recent times, Instagram has launched a new feature in which users can ask a question or interact with others. This feature is liked by people and Sakshi also became a part of the trend lately when she asked her fans to question her anything about her family.
She obviously has a good fan following and as she posted this, she was flooded with questions. Naturally, she couldn’t answer them all but she replied to some interesting ones.
One of the users asked her as to how she feels when Dhoni hits a finishing shot as a helicopter in a match.
To this, she responded, “Same feeling what a fan feels.”
Fans also asked various other things including Ziva’s favourite cartoon characters, whether she plays cricket or not, how she adapted herself to the life of a celebrity, her first impression on Dhoni, etc.
Take a look at some questions and their answers by Sakshi Dhoni:
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