Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is quite busy with the promotional activities of his upcoming movie “Gully Boy” in which he will share screen with Alia Bhatt. There is no denying the fact that he is a brilliant actor who can flawlessly portray just any character on the big screen; however at one fell swoop, it is equally true that he makes headlines more for his bizarre outfits rather than for anything else.
Recently, he was in Delhi for the promotions but social media was caught in frenzy because of his two outfits in which he was seen during the events. As it is quite cold in Delhi, Bollywood’s Bajirao wore a blue-green jacket with hood and a red cap but it was his multicolored pants that were the center of attraction.
Check out Ranveer’s pics:
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) February 12, 2019
While the jacket reminded of Che Guevara, people started comparing his pants with a quilt or blanket. He was also wearing square shaped glasses which amused netizens and soon the social media was flooded with memes and jokes.
The second outfit that he wore at the press briefing with Alia Bhatt was also an interesting one and people got reminded of the colors of Macaw.
Here are the photos:
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) February 12, 2019
This is how fans trolled Ranveer for these two outfits:
Close enough
— Saurabh Vikhe (@SaurabhVikhe) February 12, 2019
I have a similar collection.
— Chanakyapanti (@ChanakyaPanti) February 12, 2019
Swear by god u have the guts now that matches with my razai 😂🤣 hey where’s my razai ? 😝 even kids are complaining about 🕶
— kkvm (@mita_bann) February 12, 2019
Dear Ranveer, I suddenly remembered, I have a blanket very similar to what you are wearing😅😅
— Whisp (@ordinarygal2017) February 13, 2019
ppl: ranv-
deepika:— نور (@tnsbokd) February 12, 2019
Airline Assistant: Free baggage allowance is 30 kgs. Your baggage is 34 kgs. You’ve to pay for 4 kgs.
Me: *wearing whatever is heavy from the bag and making it 30 kgs*
— Naveen Kukreja (@NaveenRKukreja) February 12, 2019
Whose parrot is this?
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) February 12, 2019
Getting trolled for his dresses is nothing new for Ranveer but we are sure that trolls have no importance in his life and he will continue to don such colorful and unique dresses in the future as well.
How did you find these two looks of Ranveer? Let us know your views.