Have you never been inquisitive to know what your favorite celebrity eats? How they maintain their physique? So here is an insight of the famous WWE Wrestler and one of the most loved actor – Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
Truly a Hulk in his look, you will be more surprised to know his eating habit. With the kind of physique he has, surely his eating quantity may not be surprised. Recently, he shared his daily diet plan with a fitness magazine and what you are about to read, will startle you!
Below is the Cheat Meal,
For the start up, Rock actually eats more than 4 Kg of food in a single day and divides his food into 7 meals.A major part of his meals incl animal protein mainly from steak, chicken, eggs and cod.He consumes over 1000 calories from cod alone in a single day and all in all, eats 450 kilos of cod in a year.
Its Okay. We understand his diet plan is quiet difficult for you to adjust. but look at the body that he has, all seems justified.