Beer is an alcoholic product which enjoys a huge and loyal fan following. Those who love beer can’t imagine their life without it and find excuses to have it regularly.
As a beer lover, you too must be having those green and brown bottles rolling around on the floor of your apartment. But have you ever thought, why the colour of these bottles is green and brown?
Has the question ever struck your mind that why Beer is not served in clear bottles?
Here’s the reason
Beer in its earlier days was served in clear bottles only but the brewers soon discovered that one of the acids in beer is reacting with sunlight and its UV rays.
This reaction made the Beer very smelly and a less interesting product.
To solve the problem, they tried bottles coated with brown colour. The brown colour doesn’t let the UV rays react with the acid in Beer and it hence it doesn’t get destroyed.
The green bottles came in use from the start of World War 2. The availability of brown bottles decreased drastically and brewers had to opt for some other colour that helps them maintain the sale and quality of Beer. This is when the Green coloured bottles helped them.
We hope it helped you update your knowledge base.