Actors Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor, both are from prominent Bollywood families because of which they have been friends since they were kids. Shraddha, at the age of eight, developed a crush on Varun and shared her feelings with him during a film shoot. However, Varun rejected her, which led Shraddha to playfully take revenge by having him “beaten up”.
In a recent interview, Varun shared this amusing childhood memory. He also mentioned feeling a special connection with Natasha Dalal, who is now his wife, when he first saw her in sixth grade.
The story didn’t end there. Two years later, at Shraddha’s tenth birthday party, she still hadn’t forgotten Varun’s earlier rejection. While celebrating with a jumping bag, Varun found himself confronted by four boys who also liked Shraddha.
Varun Dhawan stated, “It was Shraddha’s tenth birthday party. She had invited me to her birthday and she was wearing a frock. At that time, there were around four guys who were in love with Shraddha. It was a birthday party, so we were all playing in the jumping bag. Suddenly, I was surrounded by these guys, who questioned me, ‘Why don’t you like Shraddha?’ I was like, ‘I am interested in dance competition.’ They were like, ‘No, no, you will have to like her.’ I am not even kidding. These were the guys who liked her. They started fighting with me. I was beaten up. She made them beat me up because I was not accepting her proposal. But, I also beat them up. It was a very filmy scene. And then I went on to take part in the dance competition and even won it. She came third.”
As teenagers, Varun and Shraddha crossed paths again at a dandiya event hosted by Shraddha’s school. Even though they went to different schools, Varun took part in the event. He said, “When Shraddha became a teenager. She had become extremely beautiful. We were in different schools. There was a dandiya competition at her school, where I had participated. There too I was in trouble as I hit someone with dandiya stick. I was running for my life. I was trying to hide when I saw this girl walking in slow motion. It was Shraddha Kapoor. That day, she looked extremely beautiful. That day, I regretted turning her down. We then became friends. This is a huge story. You ask her what happened next.”
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Over the years, their friendship grew stronger and they eventually worked together in Bollywood films like “ABCD 2” and “Street Dancer 3D”.