The latest trend of shaming the perverts of Facebook, just took a really ugly turn this week when a surprisingly Facebook itself flagged down the status post stating it be “Violating Community Guidelines”. What is the use of such guidelines that do not shame the pervert, instead make the recipient fall in a false position.
Kavitha Ravindran, a Bengaluru based fitness trainer wasn’t surprised on receiving lewd messages on her Inbox, as much as she was in shock when Facebook declined to post the screenshots of those message on her wall post.
This random guy dropped a message like this. Is this appropriate enough?
But when Kavitha decided to post his messages on Facebook, it was flagged down, stating this
But the only question that arises here is who is on the wrong side, the girl or the message sender or Facebook?
It would have been better if people sending such dirty messages were blocked & flagged down instead of escaping the wrath so easily.
Kavitha Ravindran, you just earned more R.E.S.P.E.C.T.