A number of people have the habit of biting nails and get scolded for the same too from their parents or elder ones. However, today we have brought an amazing fact that would make you feel proud of biting nails and you can even flaunt it off before your mother too!! Excited to know? Must be….
As per a new study result, if you bite nails, it tells something great about your personality. Many are of the opinion that it indicates anxiety but research says that it’s a symbol of being a perfectionist and is not done out of anxiety.
Experiments were carried out on a group in which there were 48 people of which 24 had the tendency of repeating conducts like biting nail, pulling hair etc. They had to go through various tests that included relaxing, boring, stressful and frustrating. As observed in the research, people having such habits were more engaged in their repetitive act while performing frustrating as well as boring tests as compared to stressful one which proves that these habits are not the outcome of anxiety. Hence, individuals who bite nails do so at the time when they are unable to attain their aim.
In the words of University of Montreal’s Professor Kieron O’Connor, “We believe that individuals with these repetitive behaviours maybe perfectionistic, meaning that they are unable to relax and to perform tasks at a ‘normal pace’.” “They are therefore prone to frustration, impatience, and dissatisfaction when they do not reach their goals.”