Bollywood actress Divya Dutta who recently celebrated her 47th birthday encountered an unexpected issue the following day. After spending her birthday with family and friends, the actress shared her unfortunate experience with Indigo Airlines. According to her social media post, her flight was cancelled without any prior notification, causing significant disruption to her plans.
Divya Dutta shared a video from Mumbai airport, which showed an empty lobby with no staff present. The actress mentioned that there was no announcement or display informing passengers about the flight cancellation. She tagged Indigo Airlines in her post, highlighting the poor handling of the situation.
The cancellation caused delays in Divya’s work, affecting her shooting schedules and other commitments. In her post, she sarcastically thanked Indigo Airlines for the unpleasant experience and criticised the absence of assistance from the airline staff at the airport.
In the video, gate 53 of Mumbai Airport is seen which displayed the flight details of Divya Dutta and there was no staff member of the airlines to assist the passengers. She captioned the video as, “@indigo.6e ! Thank you fr a very horrendous experience in t wee hrs!!. No notification of a cancelled checked in on a cancelled flt. The flight announcement reflects at the gate! No staff to assist! Huge harassment at t gate to exit ad no staff from @indigo.6e @indigoairways present…and the highheaded approach to t passengers! My shoot got effected andvi am terribly upset!!!##”
Here is the video:
Click to watch this video directly on Instagram
This is really unacceptable behaviour from the airlines.