Dhinchak Pooja is back again to torture us with one more song. In the past, she came up with Swag Wali Topi, then Selfie maine leli, but now, she’s launched her worst song i.e. Dilon ka shooter.
Who makes a song on “Mera scooter”? Guess,Dhinchak Pooja is having a lot of free time to waste, which is why she is launching such pathetic songs and giving us a headache.
Selfie song was still better, but once you hear this shooter song, you will feel like shooting yourself. If you are really in a mood to take revenge or trouble someone unnecessarily, ask him/her to listen to this song. We bet you will be satisfied with this kind of revenge, haha!
We are unable to understand how Dhinchak Pooja has managed to get such a huge fan following, in spite of giving creepiest songs. Looks as if such songs are the trend; youngsters prefer sharing these on social media instead of boring ones.
Watch the video below; all the best!
Click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.
Wasn’t it a ridiculous song as always? Don’t blame us for wasting your precious time.