The roads in India are not at all very much safe and we all know this; however, we not only need to take care of the speeding vehicles or rash drivers but also need to be alert from getting robbed by some fraudsters who are walking on the roads these days.
The incident that we are going to share with you is a real one and it has happened just lately. In fact, you may have also heard about such incidents but fortunately, the robbers have been captured in camera this time and let us just make those ba**a**s famous by sharing the post of Daksha Jaidka more and more.

This incident happened with Daksha Jaidka’s brother who was robbed of his phone by a thief while another one distracted and confused him. This theft took place on the streets of our capital city Delhi just outside AIIMS. The criminals took the benefit of slow traffic and committed this act of shame.

Here Is The Facebook Post:
“A huge big warning…This happened to my brother…
WARNING!! If you see these two people at a traffic light do not open your window under any circumstances!! no matter how aggressive they act. If possible take their picture and call the police. On the morning of August 2nd 2017 I was stuck in slow moving traffic just outside AIIMS, and the person in blue crossed my car pretending to look into his phone, but actually he was looking into cars for possible victims. I unfortunately became one because my phone was lying on the passenger seat rather than somewhere more secure. As I started moving along with the traffic I heard a thud from the rear of the car, I thought I had accidentally hit someone, suddenly the same fellow in blue came up to my window and pretended that I had hit him with my car, as I rolled my window down to accost him, I did not see the second fellow in grey approach from the right side of the car, he then hit the drivers side window, which made me look away for a few seconds, which was all that the first chap needed to steal my phone without me noticing it. Since I have a dash cam in my car , the act was caught on video. These videos were given to the police within hours along with my FIR# 0252 at P.S.Hauz Khas, but unfortunately they have had no luck in apprehending these criminals. Please share and forward to your friends and others so that more people don’t fall victim to the likes of these villains.”
Watch The Eye-Popping Video:
Click here to watch this video directly on Facebook
A police complaint has been filed and cops are looking for the thieves.
Be alert and be safe!