“Ae Dil Hai Mushkil”, the Karan Johar movie starring Anushka Sharma, Ranbir Kapoor and Aishwarya Rai has garnered a very good response from audience. Basically, it is a romantic drama, which deals with the love journey of 3 characters Saba, Alizeh and Ayan. The screenplay has some very interesting twists and turns and you are surely going to love it!
The film is definitely an engaging one and Karan Johar has incorporated some romantic moments and funny dialogues for keeping the audience entertained. In the 2nd half, there are too many emotional moments.
Anushka Sharma and Ranbir Kapoor have displayed some brilliant acting and their performances are something to die for. Talking about Ash, she looks hot! The movie features some dramatic and intense dialogues. Have a look at some of the best dialogues…
It’s a pleasure to watch these actors in their new pairings and roles. Not to forget the soulful dialogues of the film that are touching our hearts. Here are some of those heart-rendering dialogues from the trailer,
I am sure you can’t wait to watch the movie on the big screen, here’s the trailer of this beautiful love story:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube.
Whoa!! That was amazing, right??
Tell us how did you like the trailer of this flick in the comments section below.