Even if you earn a lakh per month, you will think twice before buying an iPhone, isn’t it? Obviously, the iPhone is so expensive that people hardly prefer to buy one, though many are crazy behind it. The usual cost of an iPhone (We are not talking about any specific model) in India is somewhere around Rs 35,000 to Rs 50,000.
But what if we tell you that there’s a place where you can avail one at just Rs Rs 27,268? Won’t you be super-excited and want to buy one right away?
Yes, there’s actually a country where it is available for as low as Rs 27,268, want to book a ticket to that place right away? Well, we are talking about Angola, in Africa!
If you go to Angola, you can buy an iPhone, at a price which is cheaper than anywhere else all across the globe. Chances are you might think we are fooling you, but no, this has been proven by a research.
Linio Technology Price Index did a comparison of prices of different iPhone models in 72 countries and came up with this report. The research didn’t mention any specific model of the phone; it talked about iPhones in general. The study included 4 biggest retailers in the 5 largest cities of that country along with all online providers. After compiling all the data, it was found that iPhones are cheapest in Angola.
The price of an iPhone in Angola is $401.4 per piece i.e. Rs 27,268. This is because the taxes on consumer products are very low; who cares, after all such cheap prices of iPhones are benefiting the buyers.
After Angola, it is Japan where iPhones are sold at a price of $413.58 per piece i.e. Rs 28,084.
Woah, let’s go there right away! Never ever imagined that iPhones would be available at such cheap prices. For people who are crazy behind iPhones, this is indeed a great opportunity. Forget Angola and Japan, given below is the whole list of countries where you can avail iPhones at cheap prices.
Data: Linio Technology Price Index 2016
On the other hand, there are also some countries wherein these iPhones are sold at sky-high prices. You can term them as the “Costliest countries to buy iPhones”. Venezuela tops the list and here, 1 iPhone costs a whopping Rs 66,51,284. Don’t rub your eyes as you read it right; it is sixty six lakhs, fifty one thousand, two hundred and eighty four. Instead of buying a phone in Venezuela, I would rather prefer investing in a property or a villa, LOL! Given below is the list of top costliest countries for buying an iPhone;
Data: Linio Technology Price Index 2016
So pack your bags all you gadget freaks; it’s time to visit Angola and get some nice iPhones for your friends.