Actress Shilpa Shinde who is better known as Angoori bhabhi of the popular sitcom “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hain” stopped shooting for the serial long back but the serial continued with the remaining cast and now the makers have finalized the replacement for Shilpa!!
Shilpa quitted the show amidst the rumors that she has been approached to be a part of Kapil Sharma’s new comedy show which will be aired on Sony channel but after the ban imposed by CINTAA, Shilpa won’t be able to work on television in any serial or show.
However, the producer of “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hain” has now finalized actress Shubhangi Atre Poorey for the role of Angoori bhabhi in the serial.
This is what Benaifer Kohli has to say about the replacement actress, “Shubhangi is an ideal combination of innocence and attractiveness. She is a fabulous actor and I think she will make an exceptional Angoori Bhabhi and will capture everyone’s heart with ease.”
Take a look at few pics of the Shubhangi overloaded with cuteness and beauty which will reduce your disinterest for the new Angoori and will make you feel that she actually deserves this role!
Well, this is the second time Shubhangi is replacing Shilpa as earlier too, she replaced her in SAB TV’s famous comedy show “Chidiya Ghar.”