No doubt, team India has faced criticism of all the cricket fans who expressed their anger in a hostile way after the players lost semi-finals with Australia in World Cup 2015 on 26th March in Sydney. Such was the rage and wrath of fans that some broke their TV too.
On one side where we see this kind of reaction from people, here is a person named Amitabh Thakur, IG of UP, who has sent Dhoni a gift for the same and it’s a thousand-rupee cheque. Amitabh is of the opinion that if India had won the match, Indians would have been very much interesting in watching the finals, hence wasting the hell of a lot time again that could be used for accomplishing valuable and necessary work. In addition, he sent a letter to the captain as well. According to him, few govt. workers were absent from the office to watch semi-finals, leaving office work which could have been important.
The IPS officer, in his letter, has written, “You are a celebrity and have your grip on other players of the team. Thus, you should appeal people working in government and private sectors to not leave their work for the Cricket match as it hampers the development of the country.”
Amitabh added, “This society is as much yours as it belongs to the cricket fans that populate it. So it is your societal duty to not allow people to suspend government, financial and personal work in order to watch cricket matches.”
Reply of the captain Dhoni to Amitabh’s letter is still awaited.