The fittest and the coolest Actor of Bollywood turns 48 today. Yes he is Rajeev Bhatia aka Akshay Kumar!! Akshay Kumar started his career with a small role in Mahesh Bhatt’s movie AAJ with a small role in it. He got the lead role in 1991 in the Movie Saugandh. The actor had entertained viewers for over two decades and counting. He has in these done numerous movies which included the popular KHILADI series which gave him recognition in the industry as the KHILADI of Bollywood. But did you know that Akshay Kumar had no intentions in getting into Bollywood. He was dropped out from his college during his graduation from where he moved to Bangkok to learn Martial Arts, where he even worked as Chef & waiter in a Restaurant. He returned back from Bangkok and started teaching Martial Arts to students in Bombay. It was then his photographer friend asked him to get into modeling and soon got his Big Break.
From Action to Romance To Comedy, Akshay Kumar has proved everywhere that why he is known as the Khiladi of Bollywood. He came out to be a Superstar during the time when KHANS were the people’s most loved choices. His popular movies with which he stunned the audience recently include : Gabbar is Back, Baby, Oh My God, Special Chabbis etc.
Team RVCJ wishes Khiladi a very Happy Birthday & we bring you these Awesomely Fantastic Dialogues of Akshay Kumar which will make you fall in love with the actor.
1. garam masala
2. singh is king
3. tees maar khan
4. oh my god
5. oh my god
6. bABY
7. gabbar is back
8. gabbar is back
9. gabbar is back
10. gabbar is back
11. bOSS
12. Rowdy rathore
13. Once Upon A Time In Mumbai Dobara
14. Once Upon A Time In Mumbai Dobara
15. Once Upon A Time in mumbai dobara
16. Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo
17. Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo
18. Khiladi 786
Which Dialogue did you like the Most?? Or do you have any other which you like the most? Comment in the comments box below. & Share & Spread this Post.