Bad days won’t stop for Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Due to its defective batteries, the company is taking back all the handsets to avoid more fiery blasts. Last month, because of the hazardous risk of exploding batteries, The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) asked the owners to switch off their mobiles and stop using it.
The series of BLASTS continues…
To avoid such fatal incidents and customer safety, Samsung recalled all Galaxy Note 7 sold until now. Even the replaced mobiles are faulty which again drags them into media criticism. Seems there is no end to Samsung’s bad days!
Sharing the puns on the burns!!!
Since its explosive series, Galaxy Note 7 has been trolled by young and old. The Internet knows how to tickle pink such moments. Let’s have look at some of the best tweets that just pays perfect tribute to the detonators.
1. Samsung Galaxy Note 7 includes…
The team behind the Samsung Note 7
— 𝕀𝕧𝕒𝕟💥 (@StarStuff_ivan) October 11, 2016
2. Diwali can be noise free by avoiding Chinese products!!!
3. The explosive Trump Call!!!
If Trump is president and that call comes at 3am, let's hope it's on a Samsung Note 7.
— DavePell@threads (@davepell) October 12, 2016
4. Get ready for photo-bombing sessions with Note 7
Taking a selfie with a Samsung Note 7 brings new meaning to the word "photobomb"
— Melanie Bracewell (@meladoodle) October 11, 2016
5. The best days for Iphone 7!!!
When you get tired of your #Samsung note 7and realise the #iPhone 7 is the answer
— Victorious B.I.G (@RoyalKuuKS) October 11, 2016
6. Unlikely Things To Grab
#UnlikelyThingsToGrab a Samsung Note 7
— Blueboyghost (@blueboyghost15) October 11, 2016
7. The best way to get rid of your enemy is by placing Note 7 in their car
When you strap a Samsung Note 7 to the bottom of your enemy's car and they drive off
— FOST (@GeorgeFoster72) October 6, 2016
8. New version of PPAP
9. Best for Campfire!!!
My friends and I huddled around my Samsung Galaxy Note 7…
— Andy Dodd (@FilmFillet) October 12, 2016
10. Did you also purchase a fire extinguisher?
11. Even, the superhero couldn’t stay away from it!
Luke Cage shows superhero powers by carrying Samsung Note 7
— Gotham_Knowledge (@GothamKnowledge) October 2, 2016
There people who are still facing more problems, and there are few other Smartphones that gave us nightmares by flaming up. I am sure you must have experienced the same once in a lifetime. Do share your story with us in the comments section below.