The last night’s Luxury Budget Task was a torturous one. We got to see the Singles’ spirit and it was not a surprise when they were in a state of never giving up but we sure didn’t like an injustice that was done with Deepika Karar.
Jodis went real cruel on the each of the singles; they didn’t leave anything to NOT throw on them. Be it the leftovers in the kitchen or continuous thick splashes of water, shampoo, tea leaves, and Romil’s partner Nirmal even convinced Deepak to put a fly in Neha’s nose.
Neha, Karan, and Sristi were really determined, they didn’t leave the throne except for Sristi, the burning in her eyes went intolerable. No matter what was being put on them, they fought well. Neha’s body was covered with thick layers of powder but she didn’t get up from there.
We really appreciate you for that, Neha and Karan. You are the true warriors.
When it came to Deepika, she was too passionate and the look on her face was enough to tell us how strong she was fighting and was still ready to fight when Kriti came up with the idea that Deepika has got up from the throne when in fact, she actually just made a quick moment from left to right due to heavy flow of water on her body.
Deepika on the throne
As Big Boss wasn’t having any involvement in it, Kriti had it in a easy way.
We have a message for you Kriti. The ring would be yours only when the person sitting on throne would give it to you with his/her own consent. The issue of getting up and not getting up wasn’t even an issue in the first place.
Seems like the Jodis’only strategy to win is cheating and injustice but we are keenly interested to see if you all are as patient on the throne as the singles have been and we seriously have high doubts on that.
Catch the rest of the Uncut Clip of Deepika’s turn as well as a lot of uncut clips from last night’s show on Voot.