When anyone sees Pamela Jacobs, who is from Leeds, feels that she is just any other young girl but the fact is that the lady has a son of 21 yrs of age. The only problem that her young looks bring for her is that sometimes she is considered as her son’s girlfriend. Difficult to believe but it is true, the lady in the pics seems to be in her 20s but actually she is 52.
You won’t believe, lately she was taken as a student and a student rail card was offered to her. However, Pamela has got used to confusion that her young looks bring, for instance the nurse whom she met during her medical check-up, denied to accept that Pamela is in her 50s till she went through the medical history, ‘She said she was amazed at how young I looked – and also that I still had a waist.’ Pamela said.
Pamela says that her mother and sisters also look younger than they actually are and she gives credit for her looks to her South Asian genes, exercise, her healthy diet, coconut oil and sunscreen.
The major part of her diet is vegetables and proteins and it is low in sugar. She stays away from fruit due to their high sugar content and from pasta and bread which are wheat products. She is habitual of drinking water in good quantity and also eats almonds daily. She is the follower of 80/20 rule, as she states – ‘80% eating well and 20% sneaking in the odd pudding, a little alcohol or organic dark chocolate.’
She also does exercising, once in a week, she attends body conditioning classes, after that a session of fitness yoga. After going to gym, she goes for sauna and steam and then a cold shower, which she believes ‘has helped to tone’ her skin.
Her life can’t be complete without coconut oil. Pamela says ‘I’m a big coconut oil lover. My mother used it on our hair and skin when we were younger and I’ve carried on.’ Biona organic coconut oil is not only used for her skin as moisturizer but also for cooking, for her hair and also as her go-to makeup remover. Difficult to believe but coconut oil is also a part of her coffee.
To keep her skin toned and soft, she does body brushing regularly, uses coconut oil plus once in a week she uses overnight mask. She never keeps her foot out of house without a proper layer of sunscreen on.
Her makeup time is just five minutes and recently she has started using organic cosmetics that work properly and for a longer period of time.
Pamela says ‘Men do comment on my looks and say things like “I don’t believe you” or “You must be lying.” She says, “what woman would actually add years on?’
Her attitude also plays an important part in her young looks; she says ‘I think the secret of eternal youth is to smile every day. The best thing about looking young is that it makes me feel good and gives me confidence.’
However, she has experienced some signs of aging recently, such as getting tired early or more tired than usually. But still we have to accept that Pamela looks too young and pretty for her age.
Below are her 10 photos which will give you goosebumps on how can she look so young and beautiful at this age:


What will you say about this ‘youngest old’ lady? Share your views in the comments section below.
Image Source: Dailymail