All the films about Fashion and Glamour have made us make a picture of the glitzy world, which is all dark, bold and very mean. But it high time that we break the stereotype and put across the right picture to the world. But who will do that? We, the society, the filmmakers, Nah, Not at all. We don’t know what is inside the dark world, at least what we have presumed.
This responsibility was taken by the one who belongs to this world and know it better. The models who are the worst sufferer of being labeled and are the victim of almost all the bad thoughts that we carry, took the lunge on their shoulder and made an attempt to declare to the world, they are as similar as any other person and have any difference apart from the profession.
That is it, they model for designers to earn bread and butter.
School Of Style helped to prove it in their month long campaign, here is the final result
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