For Bollywood, 2023 has been a good year. After several movies that did not fare well at the box office, Bollywood achieved some blockbusters this year. Amidst many exciting things, Shah Rukh Khan returned to the big screen after a brief hiatus with three incredible movies- Jawan, Pathaan, and Dunki. The King Khan of Bollywood executed the different characters really well in all the movies. Next in line, we got to see Emraan Hashmi and John Abraham in a never-before evil streak as the two took the role of antagonists with emotionally crafted background stories. These are just some of the Bollywood’s Best Performances of 2023.
Here Are Both Ott And Bollywood’s Best Performances Of 2023:
1. Vikrant Massey in 12th Fail
As the sleeper hit emerged as one of the most acclaimed movies of 2023, Vikrant Massey’s performance in 12th Fail won the audience’s and the critics’ hearts. Resonating with students countrywide as his movie shows the struggles of getting through life’s obstacles while attempting to crack among the hardest entrance exams, Massey proved his sheer talent once again.
2. Ranveer Singh in Rocky aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani
Rocky’s character was a green flag for the most part. A man who accepts his flaws realises his mistakes, and works on them to improve himself- Ranveer Singh’s character is an inspiration for all those men who grew up in an environment that forced them to become hypermasculine and are learning to unlearn them to accept the diversity that life has to offer.
3. Ayushmann Khurrana in Dream Girl 2
As the actor goes on a weight loss journey for the film, Ayushmann Khurrana left us stunned with his exceptional performance in Dream Girl 2. Meticulously crafting his roles within the film to fit in with the required characters, Khurrana showed us what sheer talent and ability look like.
4. Vicky Kaushal in Sam Bahadur
One of the underrated movies of the year, Sam Bahadur, is based on the journey of India’s first field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. Kaushal gives a wonderful performance as he takes on the military role and executes it commendably.
5. John Abraham in Pathaan
Whether it is his dialogues around morality or his badass action sequences, John Abraham gave Pathaan quite a tough competition with his character, Jim. When you appear alongside King Khan of Bollywood, there are chances of being overshadowed; however, Abraham did the job well, and you cannot ignore him in the film.
6. Shah Rukh Khan in Pathaan/Jawan/Dunki
Unarguably, this has been SRK’s year. He has given us everything- a hero, a villain, an ordinary man. And he has surpassed our expectations in all three films. Beginning with Pathaan, Khan gave us an astonishing performance as an R&AW agent, both with his scenes with Rubaai and his action sequences. The latter were even better in Jawan as we got introduced to Vikram Rathore. The sass that his character holds is quite unbeatable. Ending the year with yet another movie, SRK gives us Hardayal in the comedy-drama, showing the wide spectrum of his acting.
7. Deepika Padukone in Jawan
Although it is without a doubt that Deepika gave a terrific performance in Pathaan as ISI agent Rubaai, however, her short but powerful cameo in Jawan won the audience’s hearts. I believe it is easy to be remembered in films with longer screen time, but the harder part is having a memorable part in a cameo. Deepika stars as Azad’s mother in the movie and the scenes of her residing in jail while waiting for her death penalty and his son’s fifth birthday when the court ordered for her sentence. Deepika had rarely taken such a serious role, and she proved the emotional substance she could embody in her character with Jawan.
8. Sidhant Gupta in Jubilee
Although Sidhant Gupta entered the film industry in 2012, many people noticed him recently in the film series Jubilee, released on Netflix. Right from the beginning of the series, when his character, Jay Khanna, appears in the refugee camp, you can see that the actor can portray charisma, humour, and wit.
These were some of the best performances of 2023. Rajshri Deshpande in Trial by Fire, Amruta Subhash from Lust Stories 2, and Sahasra Shree in Chittha are some of the other performances that were quite good. Which of these actors did you think gave the best performance in 2023?
Also Checkout – 12th Fail Movie Review – A Trip to the Hard-Hitting Facts of the Social World