Bigg Boss is India’s most watching reality show and show has entered in 6th Week. Already 6 contestants have been evicted till now – Ankit, Rupal, Arvind, Vishal, Yuvika & Puneet.
We are back with an exclusive eviction news like always. This time Rimi, Kishwer, Aman, Digi, Rishabh, & Mandana were nominated. Prince & Rochelle were safe as they convinced Mandana with their awesome task. This is 6th week in the house & it will be 7th eviction in the house. Rishabh, Kishwer & Digi were saved by Salman Khan in Saturday’s episode
Let’s break the suspense now & it’s not Rimi Sen , it’s Aman Verma this time who will be evicted from Bigg Boss house on 22nd Nov 2015.
UPDATE as of 22nd Nov 06:00 AM – Rimi Sen is safe and Aman Verma to get evicted
Rimi Sen has been one of the worst contestant in Bigg Boss house this season. She was not actively participating in tasks and were taking Bigg Boss house for guaranteed. Some were saying that it was her plan to stay longer in the house but looks like she madly wanted to go home.
Let’s see who will get evicted next week. Also let us know who is your favorite contestant in the house in comments section below.