Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s arrest has created a lot of disturbance in Punjab and Haryana. 2 Sadhvis made horrific revelations about Baba in front of CBI judges and he was convicted by the court on 25th of August.
The self-proclaimed Godman is sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment and this news hasn’t gone down well with his followers. Following this, there were riots in many parts of Punjab. The situation became too violent in no time.

Many dark secrets of Baba have been revealed and it will shock you to no end. The words are so simple, but their meanings direct towards rapes and violence. We already reported to you how “Pitaji ki maafi” was a code word for “Rapes”, shameful, isn’t it?
Likewise, some more words have come to light and we would like you to have a look at the same.
1) Pitaji Ki Maafi – Rape!
2) Paudhe Beejo (Sow seeds) – Self-immolation (burning oneself)!
3) Paudha Ropan (Afforestation) – To massacre people during mayhem!
4) Tamatar Todh Do – Start violence!
5) Saamaan Ikattha karo- Pumping his supporters towards violence!
6) Red Bag- He used this code in the court to incite followers and escape!
We aren’t sure as to how credible these codes are; these can just be rumors too as we don’t have any verified source.

Other terms related to Dera are;
1) MSG- Even with regards to MSG there are various theories. Some say it means “Messenger” while some say it is the initials of 3 Gurus of Sacha Sauda i.e. Mastana Baluchistani, Satnam Singh and Gurmeet Singh.
2) Papa’s angels – His daughters Amanpreet, Honeypreet and Charanpreet used to call themselves with these names!
3) Dera Premi- Adherent of Dera
4) Saadhvi – Females who served him.
5) Naam Charcha- A prayer hall for everyone
6) Gufa- This was the secret underground chamber of MSG. No one could go there without permission.
Do you have some other information to share with regards to this?