Avengers: Endgame created history for a Hollywood movie with Rs. 187 crore opening weekend collection. The 22nd film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been creating a humongous buzz amongst its audience and did a magnificent business regardless of releasing in only 2000 multiplexes it is unbelievable as movies in India are not released in less than 4000 theatres and changed the perception of business in India. Distributors focused more on the 3D theatres.
South Indian film producer Dhananjay responded about the collection of the Marvel flick saying Endgame changed the distribution business perception in India and proved if you create the right buzz and meet your audience expectation then there is no need to release the movie in 4000 theatres for better business.
Endgame didn’t suffer from the weekday dilemma and had a remarkable Monday collection of 31 crores nett approx. Though the collection has dropped from the weekend collection as on Monday the fourth phase of Lok Sabha election was held in Maharastra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa etc.
The Monday collection is the second highest in terms of NETT and Gross collection. The collection is higher than the 2.0 but couldn’t beat the collection of Bahubaali – The Conclusion.
Hindi films haven’t yet collected 30 crores Nett on a Monday. The four-day total collection of Endgame is 190 crores and it won’t be shocking if the movie does the business of 300 crores in India.
All the MCU fans are still trying to get hold of the movie tickets to watch their favourite superheroes on the screen as the game ends.