Jats are setting the state of Haryana on fire and there has been continuous protest for days which does not seem to end easily while the other parts of India are terrified seeing the horrible situation. Due to this agitation, over 15 persons have already lost their lives whereas over 150 are injured. Even after this, the condition is not supposed to be improved but on the contrary, getting worse day by day on account of which a number of people have become helpless and stranded.
In such a pathetic and critical situation, it’s really an amazing and wonderful initiative on the part of a Gurudwara of the state wherein people have come forward for providing assistance to the helpless ones. What’s more, they have chosen Facebook as the platform for sharing this vital information so that a number of people avail themselves of their services.
This is what the Facebook page reads:
Many Are In Stuck Panipat Due To Road Blockage
If You Find Anyone On Road
Please Inform Them There Is Accommodation at
Gurudwara Pehli Patshahi Ji, G.T. Road
Dera Baba Josh Sachiyar, G.T Road
Langar Is Available
For Gurudwara Sahib Helpline 24X7
Call At 09034200045, 09812243030, 09215222260, 08607666665
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Here’s the original post:
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