Mahesh Bhatt directed “Aashiqui” which released in 1990 is one of the cult movies of Indian cinema and this romantic film is also remembered because of its melodious and beautiful music. The two young actors who played the lead roles in the film – Rahul Roy and Anu Aggarwal are not much seen nowadays as they didn’t achieve much success in the movies that they did after “Aashiqui”.
In the year 1997, Anu Aggarwal who had experience of modeling and working as a VJ as well decided to get engrossed in Yoga so she joined Bihar School of Yoga and lived there as a Karmayogi. In 1999, she came to Mumbai in order to pack her things as she wanted to dedicate her life serving people through Yoga but then she met an unfortunate accident because of which she remained in coma for 29 days. When Anu Aggarwal regained consciousness, she had lost her memory of earlier life and in 2001, she renounced the world and became a monk.
Recently, Anu gave an interview in which she talked about her life and career. She revealed that after the accident, she had memory loss and few years later when her mother played the movie “Aashiqui” for her, she wasn’t able to relate with the girl in the film. She said that her mother told her that it is she in the movie but she kept looking at the screen like a child because she was not able to connect.
Her mother told Anu that it is her movie “Aashiqui” and now they have also made “Aashiqui 2” but in response, the actress asked what 2 is because she was in such a state of mind that she had no idea about numbers at that time.
The actress further said that she was not able to think that the girl on the screen was her but she did feel the emotions. She added that “Aashiqui” had strong emotions and this is the reason people still talk about it. Anu said that the audiences reacted to the movie, laughed, cried or threw money on the screen because they got moved by the film and the emotions that they felt while watching the movie.
Anu also stated that she is in the process of making a comeback in acting as she is in talk with moviemakers and she is also reading scripts.
Let’s see when we will get the chance to see her back on the screen.