Anonymous, the hacker group has waged a complete war against the terrorist organization ISIS after the Paris Attacks and now a group which is associated with Anonymous has hacked a website which supports ISIS and changed it with advertisement of an online pharmacy.
The websites of ISIS have been shifting to the dark web so that they can’t be found but Ghost Sec, a group associated with Anonymous, took down a website and put a message which read “Too Much ISIS”. The message further read, “Enhance your calm. Too many people are into this ISIS-stuff. Please gaze upon this lovely ad so we can upgrade our infrastructure to give you ISIS content you all so desperately crave.”
The advertisement of online pharmacy which has been posted by Ghost Sec will let the online visitors to click for drugs sold online, include Viagra and Prozac. Bitcoins can be used to make payment on this online pharmacy.
As per security blogger Scot Terban, there are many unofficial websites on the dark web which are sharing and copying ISIS ideology and propaganda but they are not organized well. The site which was hacked was also considered as one of these unofficial websites in the beginning.
After the Paris attacks, the hacker group has also spammed many twitter accounts which supported ISIS by rickrolling them.