Most of us are still not aware of the Big News coming up this morning. Congress Senior Leader Digvijay Singh tied knot with his girlfriend TV anchor Amrita Rai. Last year the personal images of both these personalities were leaked on to internet and since then several jokes and trolls were made on them. Most of the jokes stated the age difference between them. But Why? Aren’t they mature enough to take the decision of Marrying each other? Why is that people in the country are getting so offended by their relationship? With the images leaked onto internet both have gained many haters who didn’t like the fact that Digvijay Singh has a girl friend at that age.
Pertaining to which they both finally have married today and TV anchor Amrita Rai herself has made the announcement of this news by a post on her face book profile. With the news of their marriage getting viral, people started reacting and that reaction as usual was not in favor of Digvijay or Amrita. Several jokes on their marriage were made since the morning and many tweets went viral which mainly made fun of their marriage. Check the tweets which trolled them for their marriage.
But Amirta Rai seems to have not liked it at all & she was offended too. She on her Facebook post says “I was the victim of a cyber crime, but was treated as a criminal. I was trolled and abused in most derogatory language for no fault of mine. Those who themselves have no concept or belief in love and dignity tried to shame me on social media.”
She also raised a very valid question to the trollers who made fun of them, she said “I know, question have been raised and will be raised on the age difference between us. But I sincerely feel that at my age I know what is good for me and I can take my decisions as per my own wisdom. We live in a modern, progressive India, and the constitutional and legal framework has empowered me to decide about my life and my life’s choices.”
Look what she in an open letter had to say to the people of this country.
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