Amitabh Bachchan has left us speechless with his spectacular performance in the movie ‘Pink’. He has once again proved to be the Shahensha of Bollywood. Indeed, it is an amazing film with a lesson for one and all. Big B’s impacting and powerful screen presence was the best part of the film.
We saw Amitabh’s character using a face mask as a part of his role. The idea of which was given by Amitabh so he could wander on the streets of Delhi and the people won’t recognize him. However, it’s not an ordinary mask, it is a matte for a significant use.
The mask is called an elevation training mask. It works as a respiratory muscle trainer that helps condition the lungs and strengthen the diaphragm. This respiratory training results in improved physiological response to exertion, increasing overall lung capacity and oxygen intake.
This is why top-level athletes and strength coaches have started incorporating the use of this elevation training mask. Here’s how we see Virat Kohli using the mask during his workout:
Now that is interesting, don’t you agree? I am sure all the body builders and sportsmen use this during their workout hours as well, isn’t it? How did you like this piece of information? Share with us in the comments below