Television actress Rupali Ganguly, best known for her role in Anupamaa, made a rare public appearance on Wednesday to cast her vote in the Maharashtra Elections 2024. Despite ongoing personal turmoil involving her step-daughter Esha Verma, Rupali laid emphasis on the importance of fulfilling one’s civic duties.
Speaking briefly to the media, Rupali displayed her inked finger and encouraged her fans to vote, saying it is every citizen’s responsibility. She stepped out with her mother, Rajani Ganguly to perform her electoral duty, choosing to focus on this positive message rather than commenting on the defamation suit she has filed against her stepdaughter.
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Rupali’s public appearance comes amid a heated legal battle with Esha Verma, her step-daughter, who has accused the actress of breaking her parents’ marriage and of emotional and physical abuse. The allegations prompted Rupali to take legal action, filing a defamation lawsuit worth Rs. 50 crore.
Esha claimed Rupali was abusive and had caused irreparable damage to the family. However, Rupali’s husband Ashwin K Verma has defended her, dismissing the accusations as baseless.
Rupali’s lawsuit, filed with the assistance of celebrity lawyer Sana Raees Khan, asserts that Esha’s public statements have harmed her personal and professional reputation. The legal team highlighted that remarks involving Rupali’s 11 years old son Rudransh were a pivotal factor in her decision to take legal action.