The free air which we breathe in today once had a price. And that price was paid by our freedom fighter by laying down their lives. It is not just a story about few freedom fighters like peace loving Mahatma Gandhi or an aggressive nature Subhash Chandra Bose, but also about the people who went unnoticed. They are the real cause of our Independence. And they were fortunate enough to be led by such passionate and dedicated leaders who played the perfect role of true leaders.
Now I just want to be honest with you guys. There are no particular AMAZING ways to celebrate our Independence Day. Every single possible way is in itself the best way to celebrate our Independence Day. And personally speaking, I don’t need a particular date to celebrate this day as the true meaning of celebrating our Independence Day is to cherish our past, live our present and progress towards our brighter future. The true meaning of Independence Day lies down in remembering our freedom fighters. Remembering about the people who lost their lives in Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and all those millions of people who followed their leader back in their time.
They never really cared about their future, but they definitely cared about our future. And what they did back at that time, is still the best legacy that our ancestors have left for us. So embrace it.
But time has changed. With our advanced lifestyle, we have become a bit materialistic in nature. And so somewhere in between, we have lost the true meaning of Independence. For some, this might be just a day to post some selfies in tricolors using the hashtag which is the most popular one on twitter. But, in the midst of taking selfies in that tricolor, they have certainly forgot the real meaning of each color. For me, knowing the real meaning of those colors is one of the best ways to celebrate our Independence Day.
Knowing about our flag is something that we should all at least try to do. Knowing about Ashoka Chakra and the relevance of those 24 spokes is something that we should try to know about. Hoisting our National Flag is our right and we should all feel proud of doing it. But drinking alcohol and doing rash driving while holding the flag ain’t the sign of respect. In contrary to it, the kid who is trying to make a living by selling the same national flag to these hooligans on the busy roads on India, that is the sign of respect. For me, funding his education is also one of the best ways to celebrate our Independence Day.
That child has the every right to study. And this right is given to him by The Constitution Of India which was only possible because of the freedom struggle which was brought to us by our freedom fighters. And the expense of his studies are only paid by us. Yes, You heard it RIGHT. The more regularly and honestly you pay your taxes, the more regular is his attendance. Education Cess is something that helps him to break the barriers and fly high. For me, paying my taxes regularly and honesty, is also one of the best ways to celebrate our Independence Day.
Well, I can go on and on about explaining you guys HOW TO CELEBRATE OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY, but the time has come to start introspecting ourselves and understand the real meaning of this day. You wouldn’t have been reading this article if we were still under British Rule and I am saying this because given the kind of past records of imposing heavy taxes on anything that united Indians eg Salt Tax, social media is certainly something not be spared.
So enjoy this day by celebrating it everyday by being a responsible citizen of this country. And if you can do this, then there is certainly no better way to CELEBRATE OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY.
Jai Hind ! !